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Saturday, January 22, 2011

More to fit!

 Sprint has a Table that fits real well in your hand. Not too small and not to big. This well fit I like for two  reasons. Too many phones and cameras could be mistaken for something else. Some people takes a picture with the Flip etc. which similar appears as a glasses case,or a big lighter, Who wants that? It's bad enough that people use this prilvege disrespectfuly. Apple iPhones and Blackberrys are the only obvious ones. Well this model has the same features ,and to me, sharper screen. A great buy!!
There are words that Google are making their own deals and offers. Cool . I will post more when I have better details. As others large companies are putting their newest computers gadgets out on the market,a few is going independently. This is good. This means more broaden variety. This is the time to check out which ever big names like Sprint, T-Moble and Verizon because they all have great price deals. I 'll bring you more info soon!

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