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Monday, March 28, 2011

Zoom..Motorola Xoom..!!

 Cool. Motorola smart and clever stratigey to move up the market. March 27,2011 the Xoom hits the U.S market price at $599. Apple's iPad2 ,last month starts theirs with $800 and $699 with  two year contract. So ,this might be the leverage Motorola need to get a head. Besides many had bought the iPad2 because there was nothing to compare it to and because lots are huge fans of Apple. Well this might change their minds because Xoom is such a great tablet PC.
Here is some of Xoom specifics . This original Honeycomb -based tablet has large 10.1 inch  touchscreen, that delivers  WXGA comes with 1GHz Dual core application packed within. t also has Mp3 player and 2mp camera for video calling. GPS Receiver, 5 mega pixel photo snapper o back . Dual Led flash auto focus (same as Apple iPad 2) and it has Bluetooth 21+EDR+HID Wi-Fi 802.11 a,b,g,n. Micro (USB).Adobe flash 10 player support. Google Mobile services with video chat. Search. Youtube. Gmail and Google Map street view. Google latitude.  And a lot more.
There are same specific are in Apple iPad2 like the dual processor and the 32gigabytes of flash memory and has 2 cameras. The one difference is Xoom runs on Google Android and iPa2 runs a version of iPhones software.
Now finally after the backlog of Xoom consumer has the chance to differ the two for themselves. So far I only heard of online purchase and couple stores Best buy and Walmart.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

How will Motorola's Xoom do on the market?

 There was questions whether Motorola will kill the Xoom line by June this year. Motorola aren't going and  base on what their electronics industry Digitimes states that the Xoom will be on the market in April. This hasn't been such a long back log but the sales says different. Apple iPad 2 has been running the sales market so far and Apple fans didn't even care if Xoom are better or not,it was available. Now there are speculations that since Motorola Xoom was a no getter for this entire time ,that they might be planning a great new look. But hey ,in my my opinion everyone looks for something new.Also not everyone buys the newest so fast,some rather wait to see others opinon before they purchase one themselves. I know I do. Well back on this subject ,Motorola hasn't answer to if there will be any new appearance or either there will be an additional like mini 2.0 or larger screen. Well this should be thought over by Motorola because the most exciting factor of the Xoom was being the 1st that has the Honeycomb now that's range with other tablets.

Even Samsung are weigh into action with the Galaxy Tab 8.9 which is not on market yet either. At the company event March 22 , they introduce the Galaxy tab 8.9 . This is similar to the size of Lg Optimus introduced last month. Samung stated the rumors that they was also inventory backlog was false. they also added they are  offering a broad product range with different sizes to support wider customer choice. Now, the goal  for these big companies ,seems to make the tablets screen bigger
I wish the best for the both Motorla and Samsung.  Here are some deals I hope you find of interest.Acase 2nd Generation Apple iPad / iPhone / iPod Capacitive Stylus (Jet Black) Newest Model. And this is awesomeApple iPad 2 MC979LL/A Tablet (16GB, Wifi, White) NEWEST MODEL

Friday, March 18, 2011

Whom Sony and Microsoft sues ..

 So far this year there has been so far at least five lawsuits I heard of  and it's only March. Even though these companies are moving ahead with their newest line of smartphones and software there are other issues that being dealt with. Online hackers, spam emails, theif of ideas and software amongst other serious cases.
Sony was granted a subpoena by Magistrate Judge C . Spero which grants them to access PayPal account of PlayStation 3 jailbreak George Holtz. Here is the reason ;George , a.k.a GeoHot  received monetize donations for the past 2 years, January1.2009 through Feb 1.2011. He denies it but did. There was argument to where Sony will sue George Holtz. Being that the profit came from a San Francisco account Sony decided to sue there. The company was also awarded IP addresses of everyone who visit his site . On Youtube there was a video of the jailbreak ,this has been banned.

Another lawsuit . Microsoft employees and federal law officials,U.S Marshall, seized computers that was being use  for digital crimes by Internet hosting faculty across the U.S. The company Rustock Botnet. This faculty was sending illegal spam and junk emails.  Rustock ,junk emails are hazardous. This will create malware and leave computers using Windows vulnerable  hackers. DDOS Attackers!
 Well on lighter new. T-moble are launching with Dell Inspiron N4010. This will be with T-Mobile line up March 21. You can only purchase them on Dell.com and must have T-Mobile Web connect data  plan. Now this a great share of responsibilities; Dell will deals with all manufacture service and T-mobile deals with the network and billing service.
I'll post more on these topic as soon I learn more. Take care!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

News update on Samsung,Motorola ..

 Here is the update on Motorola. Their sales for the Xoom was beaten by Apple's iPad2. Now this was invention was a surprise to me because I didn't even knew there was a iPad 2. Mainly in N.Y.C Apple store  where most Apple fans had stood online more than a day to purchase it. Due to the concern of Japan crisis, Motorola has set back their Xoom product which gave Apple a lead way. Plus the exciting exterior of the iPad 2 was the spotlight.  iPad descriptions; slimmer body ,camera,new dual core A5 CPU, additional memory,and faster frame. Now even though there no true comparison which states either Xoom or iPad are better Apple fans seems to favor iPad right now!
Samsung chip the A5 processor are used in the Apple iPad2. This is the chip I post about a short time ago. It in 45nm process, has greater storage system and being conducted by UBM Techinsight, a Division of United Business Media, publisher of EE Times. I, a huge fan of Samsung are going check out further of this A5 processor. I't was question whether this will be sold separate purchase or will it be formatted into Smartphones or other devices. As I respected it's being formatted . Samsung are great for saving their customers money and aggravation.And as always step up the game in thee best ! Great phones like their Messenger II requires another purchase of a memory card so just think how better this will be.

For the business part, Nokia  is paying CEO Stephen Elop (former Microsoft employee) first year salary . He receivd 3.2 millions dollars last October and will receive another 3 million he is due for the paychecks he lost. I don't have the full story of how this came upon but here's is what I know. Stephen Elop also will receive $710.000 to cover  the money he had paid Microsoft. Another $435.000 for reinmbuse for legal fees. Stephen Elop salary 1yeaer salary 1.46 million which is what basic what Nokia is giving him. I'll post more on this subject real soon. Take care.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Great for Youtube lovers...!

Have you ever heard or saw a video and wish you can place these rare songs into your media file. Youtube Converter. This you can either download a trial or purchases this for thirty to thirty five dollars from trusted sites. This converter is great.Once download it always available instantly. Rare songs and videos can easily be save and use to watch over and over. Well some of the song and videos probably be only20% -30% downloaded but just to have the privilege to hold onto the videos you admire is great. The converter has different format to save and down loads. Directions are very simple and extremely fast, while other music downloads takes  a while. Plus the sounds and pictures is HD . Sharp and great bass.
I 'd went through plenty sites looking for the songs I want but only gets bogus ads and sing up promotions. Which I'm not interested in. There always a catch when they say it's free, either they want you to download their toolbar or other crap. music osias sucks. It has songs that I never heard of and not many selections.
But Youtube varies completely of taste ,so it 's more of going to get exactly what you want  & have a real simple way to store the videos you love. No hassle. Hope you give it a try. Have fun!!!