So far this year there has been so far at least five lawsuits I heard of and it's only March. Even though these companies are moving ahead with their newest line of smartphones and software there are other issues that being dealt with. Online hackers, spam emails, theif of ideas and software amongst other serious cases.
Sony was granted a subpoena by Magistrate Judge C . Spero which grants them to access PayPal account of PlayStation 3 jailbreak George Holtz. Here is the reason ;George , a.k.a GeoHot received monetize donations for the past 2 years, January1.2009 through Feb 1.2011. He denies it but did. There was argument to where Sony will sue George Holtz. Being that the profit came from a San Francisco account Sony decided to sue there. The company was also awarded IP addresses of everyone who visit his site . On Youtube there was a video of the jailbreak ,this has been banned.
Another lawsuit . Microsoft employees and federal law officials,U.S Marshall, seized computers that was being use for digital crimes by Internet hosting faculty across the U.S. The company Rustock Botnet. This faculty was sending illegal spam and junk emails. Rustock ,junk emails are hazardous. This will create malware and leave computers using Windows vulnerable hackers. DDOS Attackers!
Well on lighter new. T-moble are launching with Dell Inspiron N4010. This will be with T-Mobile line up March 21. You can only purchase them on and must have T-Mobile Web connect data plan. Now this a great share of responsibilities; Dell will deals with all manufacture service and T-mobile deals with the network and billing service.
I'll post more on these topic as soon I learn more. Take care!