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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Now's the time to gives gifts!

I.m still giving a few gifts. As some may agree now is just  great to buy gifts as during the holidays. I saw some prices on things drop about 40 % right now, so belated gifts away!.Especially when someone gave you such a nice one and all what you gave them was small like a mug. I got a nice coffee maker and some cooking utensils.From a person that I gave an Ipod to. But they made it up with a gift certificate to help m get a steel refrigerator. Not to compete whom gave what. just the meaning that states 'Here, I want you to have want you wants!'. That's what my gifts always mean.
I'm  about to move into this house, and all it needs is a new refrigerator and stove. Steel refrigerators is my fancy. It's funny how it turns a regular kitchen into a expensive model kitchen. My last house had these. Steel everything;counter tops,stove,etc. It was a little too much gray but it last. The brand I'm looking for is the Kenmore . I want the steel refrigerator that has large crisp trays,roomer freezer and energy saver. Once I saw it I want it. I would be able to store more groceries and keep my special dishes leftovers longer. that is one of the reasons why I make my guests take some home. And I goes shopping often because my frig only could holds certain amount. Well this would solves that.
I hope you get /give a nice belated gifts!

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